Student Achievement of Air Transportation Management
发布时间: 2022-12-31 浏览次数: 46


Shanghai University of Engineering Science (SUES)

School of Air Transportation

Air Transportation Management

Dec. 31,2022


  1. Objectives of Accredited Program

1.1 Program Mission

The Air Transportation Management Program aims to cultivate engineering practice-oriented talents who have good personal qualities, civil aviation-related professional qualities and professional ethics and have basic theoretical knowledge related to management science and transportation disciplines; have professional knowledge related to civil aviation transportation organization, airport operation and management, general aviation management, etc.; have the ability of analysis, organization, management, planning, decision-making and cooperation; and can engage in organizational planning and operational management in airlines, airports and other civil aviation enterprises.

1.2 Graduates are expected to achieve the following career and professional goals in about 5 years after graduation

a. Be able to apply the knowledge learned to analyze and solve problems related to the implementation and operation management of air transportation organizations in air transportation enterprises;

b. Able to work in organizational scheduling, planning and design, business decision-making, administrative management and other related positions in air transportation enterprises;

c. Having professional English reading ability, and be able to communicate with foreign counterparts in related fields in English;

d. Able to track hot issues and advanced technologies in the aviation transportation industry, and have the ability to learn for life.

1.3Student Learning Outcomes

1.3.1  AABI General Criteria

a.apply mathematics, science, and applied sciences to aviation-related disciplines;

b. analyze and interpret data;

c. work effectively on multi-disciplinary and diverse teams;

d. make professional and ethical decisions;

e. communicate effectively, using both written and oral communication skills;

f. engage in and recognize the need for life-long learning;

g. assess contemporary issues;

h. use the techniques, skills, and modern technology necessary for professional practice;

i. assess the national and international aviation environment;

j. apply pertinent knowledge in identifying and solving problems;

k. apply knowledge of business sustainability to aviation issues.

1.3.2 AABI Aviation Core Criteria

I. Describe the professional attributes, requirements or certifications, and planning applicable to aviation careers.

II. Describe the principles of aircraft design, performance and operating characteristics; and the regulations related to the maintenance of aircraft and associated systems.

III. Evaluate aviation safety and the impact of human factors on safety.

IV. Discuss the impact of national and international aviation law, regulations and labor issues on aviation operations.

V. Explain the integration of airports, airspace, and air traffic control in managing the National Airspace System.

VI. Discuss the impact of meteorology and environmental issues on aviation operations.

1.3.3 SUES-specific Criteria

Be able to engage in “organization and scheduling, planning and design, business decisions-making and administrative management” in enterprises of air transport.

I. Be able to organize and dispatch the passenger and cargo transportation in civil aviation enterprises.

II. Be able to comprehensively apply various professional knowledge in analyzing and researching specific problems in air transportation management and to propose countermeasures and suggestions and design solutions.

III. Be able to put forward alternatives and workarounds for specific issues in air transport management based on theoretical methods, such as economic analysis, operational planning and system decision-making, etc. and to make business decisions through qualitative and quantitative analysis.

IV. Be able to conduct administrative management in civil aviation enterprises.

2.Program Assessment Measures

A comprehensive assessment plan is implemented to enable continuous improvement in student learning outcomes, curriculum mapping, etc. Assessment activities include:

1Course evaluation (exam or report, Graduation Project(Thesis))

2Graduating student surveys

3Teaching monitoring and evaluation

4Alumni survey

5Program self-assessment

6Education Plan

3.Graduation rates

To meet the needs of students' major learning and career development planning, SUES provides sophomore students with the opportunity to transfer to a new major. Every year, there will be some students transfer from other majors to Air Transportation Management. For the major transfered students, they have to spend more time to get all credits. So we calculated the four year and six year graduation rate of senior students. The following table shows the graduation rates in the past five years.

Initial Grade


Actual number of graduates

4th Year Grad

6th Year Grad




















4.Rates and types of employment of graduates

In 2022 there are 41 students graduated from Air Transportation Management, including 36 students who have a definite destination. The placement rate is87%. The employment distribution data as follows.

Gender Structure of Employment Distribution



number of employed


number of employed






Employment Destination

air transport enterprise

Government institutions

Domestic enrollment

Going abroad to study

Other enterprises and institutions


number of employed/proportion

number of employed/proportion

number of employed/proportion

number of employed/proportion

number of employed/proportion

number of employed/proportion







The core placement include:

Shanghai Civil Aviation Longhua Airport Co., Ltd

China Eastern Airlines Co., Ltd

Shanghai Airport (Group) Co., Ltd. Hongqiao International Airport Company

Shanghai Civil Aviation East China Air Traffic Control Engineering Technology Co., Ltd

Shanghai Jixiang Aviation Co., Ltd

Shanghai Ziran Logistics Co., Ltd

Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics

University of Sydney

Student achievement data

附件:student achievement -air transport management.pdf